The NEA apology from the White House is laughable, at best. Again, if this was just all a big misunderstanding then why was a representative from one of the country’s largest political advertising firms involved? And pushing the health care agenda on company time?

I believe the following information might help explain Bim Ayandele’s involvement. Not only did he help set up the Office of Public Engagement, but before joining a division of one of the largest PR firms in the world — which specializes in “grassroots organization”, “issues management” and “crisis communications” — Ayandele:

served as the Director of Cures Now, a Los Angeles based non-profit organization leveraging a coalition of actors, directors, producers, musicians, and writers to promote the rapid, responsible and ethical advancement of science-related social issues, such as stem-cell research and diabetes awareness.

It seems Mr. Ayandele’s expertise is in “leveraging” the entertainment industry to “promote” health care related issues. A skill which would have been useful should, say, the White House or another interested third party wish to get NEA grant recipients to push President Obama’s health care agenda.

But it doesn’t end there. His company boasts that:

Ayandele developed and implemented some of the pioneering guerilla marketing techniques that were instrumental in deciding the 2008 United States presidential campaign.

To recap: A professional PR guy who has past experience pushing those in the entertainment and arts to lobby for health care issues is in on the NEA phone call. His company bills him as behind some of President Obama’s guerrilla marketing techniques.

One definition says the objective of guerrilla marketing is:

to create a unique, engaging and thought-provoking concept to generate buzz, and consequently turn viral.

And the firm he works for bills itself as a leader in the kind of campaigning which might be used to push, say, President Obama’s health care initiative in non-traditional ways.

However, as much as social media creates risks, Web 2.0 can also be a valuable tool for those who want to understand and potentially manage the actions, trends, and opinions that shape their reputations. As a borderless window to millions of minds around the world, Web 2.0 offers the opportunity to better understand global trends and opinions in the making – a knowledge which is critical to anticipating issues and/or crises and developing effective response strategies

Whether it is by blogging, tweeting, linking, or creating their own forums, organizations must be proactive online if they want to maintain control over their reputations. They must engage with online communities, be aware of participant concerns and, when appropriate, develop responses to those concerns. In the Web 2.0 global village – where people live and learn through uncensored dialogue and near instantaneous interactions – traditional external communications utilizing earned and paid media are no longer enough.

Managing issues and enhancing the reputations of our clients has been the highest priority of my firm, Winner & Associates, since its founding in 1975. Our global Advanced Reputation Management System gives our clients a competitive advantage in the constantly evolving world of Web 2.0.

A professional astroturfer who specializes in viral campaigning and pushing entertainers to lobby for health care related issues involved in what appears to be misuse of the NEA to push President Obama’s health care agenda, and yet we are told this is all just a big misunderstanding?

I’m sure the sudden interest by entertainers and artists in groups such as the “non-partisan” Rock the Vote in pushing President Obama’s vision of health care is just a coincidence.

Nothing to see here folks. Move along…..

Thanks to Bim’s newest buddy, Darth Odieus, and various anonymous commenters.