Many have long awaited the day when Saturday Night Live and the late night talk shows would stop stumping for Obama and start conjuring up a little satire aimed at our not-so-new President.

The writing team at SNL no doubt amused many of their viewers with a spoof of President Obama that was surprisingly biting and pretty funny.

But the sketch itself was not nearly as interesting and darkly entertaining to this political junkie as the CNN coverage — no joke, the CNN coverage — of this comedy bit.

Cue Wolf Blitzer. Now visualize the red alert box on the bottom of the screen reading, “NEW DEVELOPMENTS… PRES. OBAMA HAS DONE ‘NOTHING, NADA’: Checking ‘facts’ in SNL pres. spoof.” Now that is comedy gold.


As James Taranto points out in The Wall Street Journal Online:

“Fact checking” a comedy sketch is a bizarre exercise in itself. PolitiFact does not appear to have done the same for past “SNL” sketches spoofing Republican politicians like George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Sarah Palin. (In fact, CNN reports that Adair, in the network’s words, “says the sketch won’t resonate with the audience as much as” Tina Fey’s Palin send-up.)”

Did I miss a meeting? When did venerable news organizations start fact-checking comedy shows? Look out, South Park! On the plus side, maybe the MSM will move on toward fact-checking actual news stories (ACORN scandal, anyone?).

But when you’ve stopped laughing at the sketch and/or the absurd “news” coverage, take a breath and a victory lap. Either this is yet another example of the Left taking itself much too seriously, or else this is what fear looks like.

Who’s got the last laugh?