When the winds were swirling in Washington, DC about the possibility of the Congress ‘defunding’ ACORN, its chief organizer Bertha Lewis shrugged it off, likely believing it would never happen.

When it did happen, she shrugged it off, telling an audience at the National Press Club that, “ACORN will still go on with its members and its donors,” according to CNSnews.com.

Now, devoid of the federal teat, ACORN is suing the federal government with the hopes of latching back on to continue sucking our tax dollars.

FOXnews.com reports that the Center for Constitutional Rights is suing Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, Director of the Office of Management and the Budget Peter Orszag, and Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan.

Just imagine this scene: an organization is on trial in at least one state for voter registration fraud, accused of voter registration fraud in more than a dozen states, is accused of being a “criminal enterprise” by a Congressional report, and is exposed in a half-dozen states as aiding a supposed pimp and prostitute to obtain a home under false pretenses and use it for admittedly illegal purposes.

And that organization then sues the federal government to restart its flow of our money. It makes me think of that insulting JG Wentworth commercial when people are leaning out windows and shouting, “It’s my money and I need it now!”


ACORN’s public puffery and subsequent statements don’t match up. Consider this line from the FoxNews.com story:

ACORN claims it has been badly hurt by the congressional actions, and has had to fire workers and close some of its 1,200 branches around the country.

Lewis said at the Press Club event that federal funds constituted about 10% of ACORN’s income. If that’s true, then why the panic? Downsize by 10% and everything’s grand. Unless, of course, federal tax dollars account for much more than 10% of the overall revenue.

Regardless, in the words of Jeremiah Wright, it appears ACORN’s chickens have come home to roost and now that it’s in an apparent financial bind, it’s lashing out at its biggest friend, the Obama-controlled federal government. It’s sad, yet heart-warming, all at the same time.