Harris Himes, the minister who witnessed Kenneth Gladney’s beatdown at the Russ Carnahan town hall in August, cannot believe that only misdemeanor charges were filed against the SEIU thugs last week. The Russ Carnahan union supporters beat, stomped on and kicked black vendor Kenneth Gladney.

Big Government featured Harris Himes in a report in early November:

Harris Himes is pastor of Big Sky Christian Center in Hamilton, Montana, and was ordained by Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel and his board. He is also a Vietnam vet who commanded a tank platoon of young Marine heroes on the DMZ, 1967-68. Prior to Vietnam, he graduated from Cornell, then, after Vietnam, went to law school nights in California where he practiced for almost twenty years. He is a voluntary attorney with the Alliance Defense Fund and is the author of Stand, a book aimed at galvanizing the church and her pastors and priests and leaders to regain the moral leadership in the public forum which they once held, dating from before the Revolution–to become God’s Watchmen, warning the people, before it’s too late.

Sandra Himes, Harris’s wife, is also a Marine officer. Born in Arkansas, she is a true Southern belle–and speaks like one–graduating from Ouachita Baptist University.

Harris Himes and his wife witnessed the Gladney beatdown. Harris cannot believe that only misdemeanor charges were filed in the case.

From the video:

Question: What do you think of the charges that were filed this past week?

Harris Himes: Well, I am not only a pastor but I am also a California attorney and I think misdemeanor charges for something that was a blatant assault like that are way too light. And, I think also, just as people have said, it wouldn’t have happened (the charges filed) had there not been as much press and pressure as there was but still I think they’re sliding.