In the very near future, Senator Reid is going to follow Speaker Pelosi’s lead and try to pass his Senate version of the liberal utopian health care plan – a full, unabashed socialist-style takeover of our nation’s health care system.

Senator Reid said health care reform would cover the uninsured, but we’ve already learned it will drive up our premiums – forcing more of us into a Big Brother system with inevitable rationing. He said health care reform would lower costs by itself, but he’s now considering massive tax increases on small business to pay its trillion dollar price tag. He’s promised more competition in health care, but only offers massive government, disguised as phony competition in the form of the taxpayer-subsidized “government option.”

Premium increases, tax increases, and socialized medicine. Make no mistake. Senator Reid is willing to destroy Nevada’s – and the nation’s economy, to pay the ransom demands of the radical left for his re-election.

Senator Reid may think he rules America from his gilded Capitol perch, but I believe that ‘We the People’ still have hope to defeat him, and I have a plan.

Since Senator Reid desperately needs the votes of moderate Senators to pass his plan, he has proposed allowing states to “opt out.” Unfortunately, he will probably make it virtually impossible to opt out, while providing a fig leaf of political cover to Senators on the fence.

Well I’m not fooled, so I’ve called his bluff. If Senator Reid is going to allow states to opt out, then as citizens, let’s take the power out of his hands, and “opt out” ourselves.

In Nevada, I am already leading this charge against Senator Reid. As was reported in the Las Vegas Review-Journal, I have launched the Nevada Health Care Choice Committee, which will put the Reid health care plan on the ballot for the people to vote next November. Once we know the language in the bill related to this option, we will draft our own initiative language and gear up for a signature drive.

But this need not be restricted to Nevada. If your state has an initiative process, you should be researching the same option. Imagine if all of America went back to its states’ rights roots and voted on whether to implement this plan. This could kill any moderate support for the plan, and would put the health care takeover squarely in front of the voters at the same time as each politician – including Senator Reid – runs for re-election.

Already there are movements afoot in other states to do something similar to my initiative. Arizona, in particular is proposing a constitutional amendment that would preserve the rights of citizens to choose their health plan. And similar efforts have started in swing states like Florida, Indiana, Michigan and Ohio. I encourage you to learn more about what is going on in your state and take your own actions – while knowing that I will continue to lead on your behalf.

It’s time to fight back using the last line of defense: a vote of the people. There is no guarantee this can stop Senator Reid and his left-wing re-election agenda, but whatever the outcome, it is worth the fight.