This morning on The Dennis Miller Show, Guest host Andrew Breitbart interviewed Steven M. Mosher, a frequent contributor to the web site You probably haven’t heard of Mr. Mosher, but you should have. And that was the reason for our interview this morning. Andrew used his six hours of national radio time (yesterday and today) to highlight the top stories from the “Under Media”. ACORN, NEA, Van Jones, ClimateGate, stories that were virtually ignored by the major networks and pooh-poohed by the NY Times were, in fact, the stories that not only grabbed YOUR attention, but also drove legislation here at home as well as in Copenhagen.

Mr. Mosher was instrumental in promulgating the now infamous “hacked” emails from the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia. These e-mails have called into question the methods, the calculations, the peer review process, even the overall SCIENCE involved in the Global Warming arguments that drove the Cap and Trade Legislation as well as the UN Climate Conference and Kyoto Protocols. Mr. Mosher obtained these emails on a CD from an unidentified colleague. After days of review, Mr. Mosher realized the importance of the information he was sitting on, and he began the process of posting the information on various “Climate Change” websites and blogs. Because the postings came from Mr. Mosher, the community immediately took them seriously. The rest is “Under Media” history.

At the end of the ten minute interview, in-studio guest Adam Baldwin asked Mr. Mosher the final question:


“I think one of the big, missing stories here is how the scientific publishing mechanism is corrupted. I mean, I think of “Global Warming” as kind of a religion, and what you see in the mails is how they construct the canon, of how they corrupt the journal publishing, to get the papers published what they WANT published, with the reviewers that they want reviewing it and the papers they don’t want published, they keep out.

What is the last, remaining argument the Global Warming cultists have? “There are no peer reviewed studies!” In this one, succinct statement, Mr. Mosher connects the Climate-gate e-mails with a silver bullet to the heart of this argument. Why are there no peer reviewed studies? Because the “Peers” are silencing dissent through intimidation and bullying. It is the way the left has been trying to move their agenda forward for years.

Against ebryonic stem cell research? “You are anti-science!”

Against Same-sex Marriage? “You hate gay people!”

Against partial-birth abortion? “You hate women!”

In favor of keeping terrorists in Gitmo? “You are a torturer!”

And, in the words of Congressmen, Senators and even a former President:

Against Obamacare? “Racist!”