If you needed another reason to be against trying KSM and his band of merry maniacal Islamists in NYC, here it is.

New York City projects it will cost more than $400 million to provide security if the pre-trial preparation and trial of the suspects in the Sept. 11 terror attackstakes two years, which insiders say is virtually certain, according to New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

It will cost another $206 million annually if the trial runs beyond two years, which some fear is possible, the mayor’s office estimates.

There may be some who think this is a great way to make the liberal elites on the upper west side put their money where their mouth is when it comes to giving terrorists the same rights guaranteed to American citizens under the U.S. constitution, but, of course, we will ALL have to pay for this.

(Mayor) Bloomberg noted that the cost of securing the 2004 Republican National Convention exceeded $50 million. That took place from Aug. 30 through Sept 2, less than one week. Security is expected to include the closure of many streets around the court house, a very heavy uniformed police presence, snipers, heavy weapons teams, undercover police officers and a massive federal and local intelligence and counter terror operation.

(Senator Charles) Schumer (D) released a statement today saying, “Not a nickel of these costs should be borne by New York taxpayers, because terrorism is a federal responsibility and this is a federal trial. I will do everything I can to see that the federal government fully owns up to its responsibility.”

Money isn’t the main reason trying these terrorists in civilian courts is a bad idea. It’s not even in the top five. But it is one MORE reason the decision by President Obama and AG Eric Holder should be reversed. Most Americans want them tried in military courts.

This is a complete waste of our money and it would set a precedent for ALL terrorists who perpetrate acts of war on us to be tried in civilian courts. How can we justify “minor league” terrorists facing military tribunals if the 9-11 plotters get full access to our civilian system with the right to remain silent, three hots and a cot and a microphone to the world?

This is obviously the way Obama plans to deal with terrorists who attack America. Look at how we are charging Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. If he’s convicted he only faces life in prison. Wow.

The good news is we are still killing the bad guys over there who are plotting and carrying out terrorist attacks.

So, Obama’s approach seems to be kill terrorists overseas without a trial, but terrorists who attack innocent civilians on American soil get constitutional rights. And, of course, we lose the right to interrogate for actionable intelligence that could save countless American lives.

Great plan.

Not to worry, we’re going to start using full body scanners. Whoops.

Well, the bomb sniffing dogs are foolproof. Whoops. Maybe we should start focussing on finding the terrorists instead of finding their weapons.