Card check is looking dead at the ballot box because politicians know it makes for terrible politics. But President Obama’s administration is turning to clever, quiet regulatory efforts to push through Big Labor’s agenda — and the first item on the agenda is today’s hearing for the man who would impose card check by fiat.

What can you do? Call your Senator now (202-224-3121) to oppose Craig Becker for the National Labor Relations Board.

Why: Today’s hearing is for Craig Becker, a top SEIU and AFL-CIO lawyer who hates that employers can talk to their employees about little things … like union dues, unions punishing employees who don’t picket, things like that. BG blogger Rick Manning has noted previously:

Instead of being a fair arbiter, Becker has advocated for extensive restrictions on employer communications with employees preceding a union organizing vote. He has gone so far as to call for employers to be barred from attending NLRB hearings about elections, and not allowing employers to challenge results even when evidence of union misconduct is present. If confirmed it is likely that Craig Becker, not Hilda Solis, will have the lasting impact on labor relations whether Congress passes the Employee Free Choice Act or not.

And if that’s not enough motivation, know that ACORN founder Wade Rathke will be glad you didn’t take time to pick up the phone.

Read more from the Wall Street Journal for background.

I know this is inside baseball, but it’s incredibly important. If Tea Parties are to mean anything, if direct citizen engagement is to mean anything, the energy has to be directed toward the mundane machinations of bureaucrats.