It has only been a matter of weeks since Neil Cavuto interviewed me to share my opinion regarding Michael Steele’s sudden interest in the Tea Party Movement. It appears Michael Steele is showing up with candy and flowers this Valentine’s Day. Using my experience as a Tea Party organizer I explained that the RNC was on probation and that I felt confident that the Republicans would have to stand up and show their outrage over spending, the trampling of our constitution, and a myriad of other issues before their status would change in the eyes of the American people. Republicans have often played the helpless victim while hardworking Americans (the true victims of this governmental meltdown) stand and fight.

At the same time I warned of the impending disaster that would result in the creation of a third party. To use some of the language popular with the current administration this would be a Tea Party equivalent to the “Nuclear Option.” The result would be a split vote that would turn the keys over to liberals for yet another term.

Before I go further I must clarify that Americans for Prosperity, 9/12 groups, and in many cases Tea Parties share the same doctrine and values. There are thousands of these groups that are autonomous and effective organizations in their own right. I respect these organizations and fully understand the importance of working with them as separate, viable entities in our fight for liberty.

Under the Constitution we band together as individual voters that govern individually with our ballots, this is our only legal tie. Grassroots voters harness power via their collective ballots, which captures the attention of organizations like the RNC. The RNC has a role similar to that of a labor union speaking on behalf of Republican candidates. Collective bargaining is the RNC’s desired result, as they want to harness the power of the massive grassroots organizing effort undertaken by so many Americans and their votes. We don’t have to negotiate with the RNC.

The Tea Parties, Americans for Prosperity, and 9/12 are not required under any law to participate in collective bargaining with anyone and should qualify each candidate based on their own merits. There is no such thing as a pure candidate that can embody all of the legislative views of the millions of conservative and independent Americans. This is why we need to work within the two party system to vet candidates that will honor the wishes of conservative, grassroots Americans.

How do we do this? Most importantly we continue to do all of the things we have been doing successfully for the past twelve months. We vet local, state, and national candidates and issues and fight for fair and equitable legislation that honors our constitution.

As we move forward we must support resources like the Ensuring Liberty PAC and others designed to work parallel to and in sync with our movements to achieve specific goals. ELPAC for example is built on conservative, Tea Party principles.

The Ensuring Liberty PAC was designed to ensure the election of Tea Party candidates giving them the strength in numbers to stand alone in Congress and to govern without the fear of strong-arm tactics by career legislators that have served for decades amassing dangerous levels of power and payback. This approach provides the people with a large group of 15-20 Congressional candidates already vetted by the principles they support. It’s that simple. 

The Tea Parties are separate entities offering support to a group whose only purpose by design is to place a Tea Party Caucus in Congress. Shouldn’t everyday Americans be working to build their base and support in Congress? 

ELPAC is built on the principles of the Tea Party’s, by Tea Partiers. 

I have been a Tea Partier since the movement was born. In my opinion, we should make ourselves better supervisors of our employees in Congress through education, accountability, and strategy. If we put these people in Congress their only indebtedness is to “We the People.”