Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) told Greta on Tuesday night that Obamacare is all about politics and has nothing to do with health care.

“And, I really think it comes down to a political philosophy. And they believe in a political philosophy that is more like a cradle to grave, more of a social welfare state, kind of like you see in Europe versus the American ideal that we’ve known and loved and grown up with. And, so really what this is more about is ideology than health care policy. Because if this was about health care policy we could get a bi-partisan agreement tomorrow. It’s not about health care policy. They are trying to ram it through as fast as they can before their power slips away from them and that’s why they’re trying to create this brand new entitlement which really does have the government takeover 17% of our economy.”

Related… Vladimir Lenin: “Socialized Medicine is the Keystone to the Arch of the Socialist State.”