With the resignation of hyper-partisan progressive Robert Wexler from Congress last October, a Special Election for the vacated congressional seat in FL-19 was set by Governor Crist for this coming April 13th. There’s a good chance you haven’t yet heard anything about this race, but ours is the next federal election that will be held in the country. And with the House Democratic Caucus now deciding the fate of Obamacare behind closed doors, it goes without saying that our Special Election takes on newfound importance, as every last vote in the House of Representatives can be the decisive one.

For those of you unfamiliar with our congressional district, the FL-19 district encompasses Broward and Palm Beach counties, from West Palm Beach up north to Tamarac down south. FL-19 has one of the highest concentrations of senior citizens in the country, and it’s a district where Democrats have a 2-1 voter registration advantage over Republicans. The voter registration stats in the District are 50% Democrat, 25% Republican, and the remaining 25% are registered Independent.

But several major factors can negate Democrats’ structural advantages in this race. The first is the fact that special elections almost always have substantially lower turnout– approximately 15% of your typical Presidential election, making success in this race heavily dependent upon whose side is most engaged and enthusiastic. Second, more than any demographic, seniors are opposed to Obamacare by nearly a 2-1 margin by virtue of the fact that their access to our health care system is directly jeopardized by the proposed $500 billion cuts to Medicare over the next 10 years. But the most important factor is obvious- with the outcome of President Obama’s government takeover of the health care system potentially at stake, and with the increased significance of every House vote, our race should now attract increased attention from concerned citizen activists across the country. While we don’t know exactly when the House vote on Obamacare will commence, it is entirely possible that a vote could take place after April 13th, and my vote is an affirmative “NAY” vote against Obamacare.

In addition to the prevailing political currents in our favor, there are 110,000 registered Republicans in District 19.

Combine that figure with an increasing number of independents and disenfranchised Democrats that are not happy with Obama agenda, and all of a sudden we have the makings of an upset. If we can simply turn out just half of the registered Republican vote, we will win. We are very fortunate to have some of the most committed activists from across the country come down to our district to walk precincts and volunteer on our behalf. They know that a victory for this seat would not only reverberate across country – it could very well be the final nail in Obamacare’s coffin. Stay tuned to this space for frequent campaign updates in the lead up to our election on April 13th, and please visit our website www.electlynch.com if you are interested in finding out more about me or contributing to our campaign.