Goo goo g’joob:


Early today we pointed out video of the unidentified eggman of Searchlight, Nevada.

If you have any other evidence on the rent-a-thugs of the IBEW Local 357 caught in this series of videos who even dared to call the police and accuse me of what they had done, please email We are looking to do a series looking into this chapter of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. Why would they go to such length to agitate, misdirect, threaten, vandalize, and lie on behalf of Sen. Harry Reid and why would the police turn a blind eye to their misbehavior?

BONUS OBSERVATION: The most eccentric union astroturfer featured a mouthful of something that looked like chewed up Saltine crackers (at 85% oral cavity capacity). While one thug was threatening violence against me and the Eggman himself was claiming himself a moral high ground for the Democratic Party on race issues and while others were shoving their signs into my face and into the lenses of cameras filming the scene, the Saltine-spewer screamed at me with cracker particles exploding out of his mouth while no words were remotely decipherable. Each agitator seemed to have trained skills of misdirection, incitement, and other forms of intimidation. Is anyone aware of the Saltine-mouth-spew tactic?