After the divisive debate over health care “reform” and the problems that are already emerging from it (see young people, the states, AT&T, Verizon, John Deere, Caterpillar, etc.) you would think The One and Congress would take a breather. Wrongo! Here comes another hard left. A new “bipartisan” Cap and Tax bill is on the way.

Three senior US lawmakers are piecing together a sweeping bipartisan energy and climate bill, which looks set to include sweeteners to galvanize support among Republicans and industry groups…

The senators have hosted meetings with industry groups over the past two weeks, revealing details about their plan that would cap carbon emissions while expanding offshore oil drilling and nuclear power generation.

We definitely need to expand offshore drilling and remove some of the regulations that make it so hard to build a nuclear power plant, but it’s not worth the unnecessary increase in cost every American will pay for our energy (and everything that uses energy) that will come with the rest of this bill.

Will these “sweeteners” to get industry to go along include corporate welfare?

According to people briefed by the senators, the bill aims to cut carbon emissions from 2005 levels by 17 per cent by 2020 and 80 per cent by 2050, largely by implementing separate caps on utilities and manufacturers. The federal government would sell separate pollution permits to each sector, using a “hard price collar” to limit greenhouse gas allowances to between $10 and $30 per ton, and committing to flood the market with credits if the price ceiling is exceeded…

The senators hope to send details of the bill to the Environmental Protection Agency this week. The bill is likely to be introduced by late April.

There is no need for any Cap and Tax bill. Let’s keep our focus on real pollution, not what we breathe out. Our water and air is now cleaner than it was in the 70s. Our politicians are acting as if the manmade global warming scandal didn’t happen. They are ignoring polls of scientists, Americans, weather forecasters and even the Germans who say the science isn’t settled. And we’re picking it up again just when the French are dropping it. We’re moving to the left of France!

If Congress doesn’t pass a new law devastating our energy production and our economy, the enviroMentals are ready to go around the people.

Environmentalists, unable to squeeze “cap and trade” rules through the U.S. Senate, have a new strategy for combating what they believe is man-made global warming:

They’re going to sue…

The environmentalists allege that individual companies are responsible for climate change because they have emitted greenhouse gases during the course of their operations. Those gases, they say, have “harmed” them by fostering Hurricane Katrina, eroding the shorelines of America’s coasts and causing global warming.

They are using the tort of “public nuisance” as the basis for these suits. They say it doesn’t even matter if all the companies complied with the clean water and air act, they are still guilty because the earth has warmed. Of course they can’t prove the CO2 emissions caused global warming, or Hurricane Katrina or that reducing these CO2 emissions would do anything to stop future warming. But that’s not really the point. They simply want to harass these companies into out of court settlements and scare every business into toeing the manmade global warming line.

There is also a real possibility some crazy judge will go against common sense and precedent and side with the Goreaphiles.

It’s time to stand up and stop the madness.

Don’t forget to check out the Big F@#&* Deal this week and a new term to fan the flames of class warfare.