I approach the issue of marijuana legalization as an economic conservative and libertarian. It is an estimated $5 billion underground industry in my home state of New York. I say legalize, regulate and tax it to create new revenues so New York’s more regressive income and property taxes an be cut.

When economic recessions decimate state coffers, politicians usually turn to their traditional streams of revenue to replenish their budgets. In other words, they raise taxes and strain the very system that is already overburdened. Currently, New Yorkers carry one of the highest tax burdens in the country, and city and local budgets all over the state are straining for every dollar. It is clear that New York State has reached critical mass in the taxation of its citizenry. New York needs innovation and recent developments in California can serve as a model for our state.

Californians who use marijuana are asking the government to tax and regulate its use as a potential solution to their current budget crisis. New York should follow suit.

I know talk of legalization of pot immediately sets off a clamor among the anti-drug crowd, but their rhetoric is generally exaggerated, erroneous or plain wrong. They are misinformed and the unfounded fears surrounding marijuana use has stuffed our prisons full of nonviolent people and saddled our state with outlandish incarceration costs for decades. The demonization of marijuana must stop. There is a plethora of scientific opinions that debunk marijuana myths, but the true tragedy is that marijuana criminalization has been an epic failure.

The disinformation surrounding marijuana use must be dispelled. No body of evidence supports its reputation as a “gateway” to other harder drugs. It is no more addictive than coffee. The health risks of alcohol and tobacco dwarf those of marijuana. It has proven medical benefits. And it was legal for many years.

The revenue potential is enormous. We would eliminate a huge class of criminals , save wasted millons in law-enforcement costs and empty out costly jail cells while also collecting taxes on marijuana use while cutting the income and sales tax.. New Yorkers deserve a tax break so let’s innovate. I say regulate and tax marijuana use now.