Bill Clinton was absolutely right when he wrote the following in the New York Times:

Finally, we should never forget what drove the bombers, and how they justified their actions to themselves. They took to the ultimate extreme an idea advocated in the months and years before the bombing by an increasingly vocal minority: the belief that the greatest threat to American freedom is our government, and that public servants do not protect our freedoms, but abuse them.


Criticism is part of the lifeblood of democracy. No one is right all the time. But we should remember that there is a big difference between criticizing a policy or a politician and demonizing the government that guarantees our freedoms and the public servants who enforce our laws.

We are again dealing with difficulties in a contentious, partisan time. We are more connected than ever before, more able to spread our ideas and beliefs, our anger and fears. As we exercise the right to advocate our views, and as we animate our supporters, we must all assume responsibility for our words and actions before they enter a vast echo chamber and reach those both serious and delirious, connected and unhinged.

We couldn’t agree with President Clinton more. We must all be vigilant in our efforts to avoid fostering an environment that offers quarter to extremist and violent elements.

This is as true for the Tea Party as it is for any other political movement – and while we are on the subject of other movements, we trust that President Clinton’s intellectual consistency would necessarily lead him to condemn Lisa Fithian’s United For Justice and Peace the Direct Action Tendency (DAT) anarchy group.

For those who haven’t heard of DAT or United For Justice and Peace, their groups make up one of the central organized points of coordination between the Progressive-Democrat Party and Anarchy groups who have protested violently in our streets over the past several years.

Yup. That’s right. The radical Progressive wing of the Democrat party, through people like Lisa Fithian, has been in direct coordination with the very Anarchy protesters who trashed St. Paul, Minnesota, in 2008 during the Republican National Convention. They would have done much more damage had they not been thwarted by a former radical-turned FBI informant.

How do we know this? Because they wrote about it. Why don’t you know about it? Because the media in this country never bothered to look into whom the people were who organized the marches which repeatedly led to violence and arrests.

If any of the mainstream press had been the slightest bit curious (and why would they be? It was just politically organized rioting on the streets of our country), they could have performed some cursory Google searches that return ample circumstantial evidence of direct coordinating efforts between the clean, presentable, mainstream face of the Progressive-Democrat movement, and the dark underbelly of the Anarchy movement in this country. *

How does this relationship work? It’s simple(ish). Let’s start with the clean face of the Progressive-Democrats: the Congressional Progressive Caucus. This entity was founded and organized by self-described Socialist U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, and by an organization called the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA).

The DSA was founded and supported by many of the same people active in the 1960s radical movement, known widely as Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and their domestic terrorist wing, the Weather Underground Organization (WUO).

Key members of the Democratic Socialists of America are principal organizers of two current groups called “Progressives for Obama” and the reconstituted “Movement for a Democratic Society” (MDS).

Progressives for Obama is where the straight face of Progressive unions, non-profits, and educational institutions organized their efforts to elect then Senator Obama to the presidency.

The reconstituted MDS is the tip of the nose of America’s ugly radical Progressive face. The MDS made it its mission to restart the SDS. They succeeded, and one of the first tasks of the reconstituted SDS was to begin forging a relationship with Anarchists and to participate in what they call “Direct Action” protests. They succeeded, and the synthesis of the Progressive Democrat movement with the Anarchists manifests itself in the self-described Socialist Anarchy movement called the Direct Action Tendency (DAT). The DAT, along with Lisa Fithian’s United For Justice and Peace, represents the very ugly face of the Progressive-Democrat movement, where they coordinate with street thugs, Che/Castro worshiping Socialists, and islamists.**

What is a “Direct Action?” A direct action typically (but not exclusively) consists of staging a protest with the predetermined goal of causing a direct confrontation with the police.

While covering the Democrat convention in Denver, and subsequently the Republican convention in Minneapolis/St. Paul, it became clear that there was a distinct and organized pattern at work.

Organizers would stage a rally and/or a concert. These events were planned and permitted through the local municipalities. The goal was almost always the same. Eventually the organizers would breach the boundaries of the permit, and force a confrontation with the authorities. This frequently resulted in extensive damage to property, as well as added expense in resources devoted to dealing with the Anarchists.

What’s the point? It’s three-fold. 1) These events present successful organizing opportunities to collect names and contact info of participants, thus growing the movement. 2) These events radicalize the members, making them more devoted to the cause. 3) Propaganda is produced that depicts the ‘evil police’ being brutal to otherwise seemingly peaceful protesters.

What’s their goal? To end Capitalism, with which they equate racism, sexism, exploitation, terrorism, and murder.

These Direct Action Tendency and United For Justice linked events, (like the RNC Welcoming Committee) represent a modern day Progressive-Anarchy Tea Party. One main difference of course between the Conservative/Libertarian Tea Parties, and the Progressive-Anarchy Tea Parties is the premeditated tactic of breaking the law and getting arrested. Conservatives and Libertarians don’t tend to do that. Progressive-Anarchists have mastered it as a form of political art.

This all begs the question, if a group of Conservative/Libertarian Tea Partiers engaged in an attack on an urban infrastructure with the premeditated goal of shutting down a Democrat political event, would they face charges for federal civil rights violations? Perhaps that would depend on whether or not America is a land where people are guaranteed the right to political expression and peaceable assembly.

On a side note, organizing the Progressive-Anarchy Tea Party movement was no small task. Typically, the Anarchy Socialists and the Democratic Socialists don’t get along. Their achievement in coming together is a testament to the uniting powers of President Barack Obama. People in the center misunderstood when Democrats called Obama a unifier. They didn’t mean he could unite the Left and the Right, as the center assumed. They meant he could unite the Socialist Progressive Left and the Socialist Anarchy Left. Success. He did just that.

This is what the real Tea Party is up against. Do the Tea Party Patriots have what it takes to go up against this unified Socialist-Progressive-Anarchy front? The Jury is still out on that one. Most Tea Partiers have no clue about the forces arrayed against them, and it is pretty hard to best an adversary you don’t fully understand.

Further, just take a look at the differences between the crowds in this movement. One crowd looks old and soft and the other crowd looks young and hard. To illustrate the point, let’s play a little game called, “Name That Tea Party.” The rules are very simple. Just take a look at the following image pairs and guess which Tea Party they fall under, the Conservative/Libertarian Tea Party, or the Socialist Anarchy Tea Party:

Image Pair #1

Image Pair #2

The Conservative/Libertarian Tea Party has a lot to overcome, most of which it is not even aware of yet, but with President Clinton in your corner, condemning the dangerous and inflammatory behavior of radical protesters, anything is possible.

* Disclaimer: I am not a forensic researcher. The conclusions in this article are based on very basic online searches. Imagine the dots that could be connected if a professional researcher/investigator dug into this. Or perhaps if the distributed talent found in the Blogosphere were to take a whack at it, much like the way they outed the egg-throwing thugs in Searchlight.

** There are some who believe the DAT is on life support, and has largely folded into something called the “Red and Anarchist Action Network” (RAAN)