Drudge linked to two stories related to the Arizona immigration law recently signed into law.

Headline #1 – Illegals plan to leave AZ over law… Success! People who are here illegally are going to leave in a way that won’t cost the government money in deportation costs. How can anyone argue that people leaving, who have broken the law and are here illegally, is a bad thing. Let them all get in line and come in the legal way like others are expected to. Or are certain classes of people simply not expected to obey immigration laws?

Headline #2 – Bloomberg: ‘We are committing national suicide’…

Bloomberg says:

“This is not good for the country. I don’t agree with it,” he said. “We love immigrants here.”

Mike is half right. We do love immigrants here. Very very much. One way to show respect to those who have respected our laws and traveled here legally, in a documented way, is to be sure and not give a free pass to people who sneak in illegally. If the cost of labor goes up and jobs go to Americans instead of cheap undocumented workers, then that sounds like something the party of labor unions would be for. Or are they for something else entirely?

The sad truth is that so called Progressives are full of crap on this issue.

Illegal immigration is human trafficking. People are taken advantage of, raped and even murdered as they are trafficked, and Progressives don’t seem to care. Why is that?? Why do they defend a system that encourages human trafficking?

Perhaps Progressives enjoy the cheap labor. Perhaps they enjoy the opportunity the issue provides to call Americans racists. Maybe they just want to see a demographic shift in this country, and don’t care how many people are raped or die in the migration. Where is Human Rights Watch, or Amnesty International, or any of the myriad groups who claim as their mission to stand up for the wronged and exploited? Don’t they want to see an end to human trafficking into the US?

What the Federal Government might want to consider are ways to discourage people from sneaking in, and encourage people to come in through the front door. After all, this is not about immigration. This is about illegal immigration, and the national security risks it entails. How can anyone be against encouraging legal immigration while discouraging illegal immigration?

Here’s one thing that might help. End the Progressive drug war quagmire. It won’t solve the whole problem but it will solve a lot of it. One major reason people are streaming across the border is because Mexico has devolved into a Drug War battle zone. One valid criticism of the Arizona law, as well as Federal law, might be that there is no provision for safely housing refugees fleeing the Drug War killing fields south of the border. America should be ashamed of creating this war while not providing for its refugees.

Ending the Drug war would also have the added benefit of cutting off some of the profitability of smuggling routes that ferry humans, be they illegal migrant workers, or Hezbollah terrorists fresh out of Venezuela. How can any administration be against that?

If in addition to ending the drug war, America also opened the spigot in terms of how many people can come here legally, that would all but eliminate the clandestine travel. No fence necessary for the most part. Safer America. Happier legal immigrants.

Win Win.