Despite the fact that it is well established that the term ‘Tea-Bagger’ is a sexually offensive slur, officials at Organizing for America, the official Democrat Party group dedicated to organizing the party in ’10 and ’12, are using the term “Tea-Bagger’ in their official gatherings.

John Ruberry of Marathon Pundit attended a recent OFA meeting in Evanston, IL and he took copious notes.

As a motivator to the faithful, Gorman suggested, “Fear–Imagine America under Sarah Palin.”

Uh, dude. She’s not on the ballot this year. I thought Gilpin was a class act, albeit a misguided one, until, while not mentioning him by name, she called Illinois GOP gubernatorial nominee Bill Brady, “A teabagger, a really bad guy.”

Hmmmm, explicitly using fear and vilification of American citizens to organize the base of your party. Classy.

President “Tea-Bagger” and now the entire Democrat Party OFA leadership owes the patriotic men, women, and children who protest at Tea Parties an apology.

Below are images of elderly and minors who the President of the United States, and the Democrat Party, feel it is appropriate to depict as people who take testicles into their mouths: