As of yesterday, the first 100,000 of my We the People pamphlets have been requested and read throughout all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

The origins of the We the People pamphlets are admittedly humble. I simply straggled into my garage and booted up a beat up lap top to honor the numerous requests to put my extemporaneous speeches on paper. I typed, tossed in some pictures, designed the artwork and – voila! – the pamphlets were born (and my “Honey Do” list grew to Rita’s annoyance). The pamphlets weren’t polled, because they don’t pander to prevailing opinions; and no focus group was used, because my garage isn’t big enough to hold one.

With no Washington “roll out” and scant notice from the pundits and political class, the intense grassroots reception of the We the People pamphlets is inspiring. People are eager for the GOP to reaffirm its enduring goals and permanent principles; and, most importantly, to implement them and transcend the great, generational challenges facing America.

Thus, take heart despite the times: America’s salvation remains her free people; and, because of them, our nation’s greatest days await!

To order your copy of “We the People: Champions of Freedom” click here or go to