No, not because this is the day that the 30th President of the United States, Calvin Coolidge, was sworn into office; although the words of “Silent Cal” lend credence to the modern movement in opposition to progressive-statism. Take a gander:

Civilization and profit go hand in hand.

Don’t expect to build up the weak by pulling down the strong.

There is no dignity quite so impressive, and no one independence quite so important, as living within your means.

Collecting more taxes than is absolutely necessary is legalized robbery.

Perhaps one of the most important accomplishments of my administration has been minding my own business.

To live under the American Constitution is the greatest political privilege that was ever accorded to the human race.

President Coolidge may be the most under-rated president in American history, but his words do little to roll back the progressive machine now. The beginning of that roll-back does not occur on November 2, but much earlier. On August 3, 2010, Missouri voters will be tasked with the responsibility of taking the first stand against Obamacare, the progressive panacea, by voting for the Missouri Health Care Freedom Act (MHCFA) in a public referendum.

An Issue Worthy of National Attention

MHCFA comes from a state that has elected the president in every election since 1904, excepting Eisenhower’s second term and the 2008 election of Obama. Bellwhether or weathervane, the “fly-over” state that mirrors national demographics represents the first chance for American voters to display their disapproval with Obamacare. Other states filed lawsuits or passed legislation, but those actions only indirectly represent the American electorate. MHCFA will be voted on by the public at large (and incidentally, allows conservatives to vote “Yes,” for once.)

This public referendum could make or break the ground swell of opposition to the progressive agenda. Failure of MHCFA would provide a field-day for progressive media, and dishearten many voters for the midterms. On the other hand, success of MHCFA by large margins would have the opposite affect.

We can be sure that the dirty politics practiced by progressive organizations will flood the state. ACORN reorganized as MORE in Missouri, OFA will certainly provide leadership, and groups like Project Vote will definitely mess with polling. Political lawsuits have already begun. Attorney “Chip” Gentry filed a lawsuit to block the August 3 vote. Whether he has connections to any of the progressive organizations targeting the Missouri referendum is another question (though I am sure we will learn soon enough).

The bottom line is that MHCFA represents the first battle in the war against Obamacare. Organizations that support future referendums on Obamacare in Arizona, Florida, Oklahoma and other states would do well to support Missouri in its endeavors. Support from freedom loving Americans in the rest of the Union would also be greatly appreciated.

A Challenge to Blunt and Purgason

August 3 represents the primary date for Missouri, as well. A Senate seat is up for grabs, and crucial to regaining control of Congress from the progressives. Two Republican candidates are fighting it out against progressive-trust-fund baby, Robin Carnahan. Both should be championing MHCFA as the most important issue prior to the primary.

If the Republican candidates do not heed my words, they will earn the apathy of Missouri’s electorate to the detriment of our nation.

Roy Blunt has served in the US House of Representatives since 1997. As such, he represents, unfairly or not, the establishment. None of that need matter if he champions the most important referendum in the country. If Blunt campaigns for this issue in Missouri, he could prove to Missouri voters that he would be a worthy representative of their state. He must find some connection to the grassroots conservatives in Missouri should he win the nomination.

Chuck Purgason has served in the Missouri legislature since 1997. While Purgason is a favorite of the grassroots, his electability against Carnahan is an issue. None of that need matter if he champions the most important referendum in the country. If MHCFA passes by a large margin, Purgason would prove the numbers exist to defeat Carnahan. He must prove his grassroots credentials by getting out the vote.

Both candidates benefit from supporting MHCFA because the voters that support the referendum will most likely be voting in the Republican primary. It will be the most important issue to take a stance on prior to the primary, and lip-service will not suffice. Failure of MHCFA to succeed would prove a major stumbling block against the progressive agenda. Blunt must prove he is not owned by the establishment and Purgason must prove he can generate votes. And when all is said and done, Missourians must unite against the aristocratic-pretender Carnahans.