On the latest episode of Uncommon Knowledge with Peter Robinson, Rob Long and Mark Steyn reflect on speeches given by Ronald Reagan and discuss their relevance today.

Reagan argued that the beginning stage of socialism is when the state gets control of Health Care. Our freedom is infringed upon once the government can control where and how we work. Once given this power, the government will only gain even more control – how long until they tell us what we can or can’t eat?

Steyn and Long argue that the federal government is acting like Mommy and Daddy – paying for everything to where we are so infantilized that our salary is more like allowance, only used for toys.

Steyn and Long hope that conservatives get back to Reagan’s Liberty argument, meaning instead of opining against “big government,” advocating for “big freedom.” And that a nation with “big freedom” must include a President who is a citizen legislator, not a moral guidepost and leader who knows what’s best for the masses.

As Reagan said in his first inaugural address, “we are a nation that has a government, not the other way around.”

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