I condemn the NAACP. I am really upset over their recent charge that the tea party movement is racist. When will these people wake up?

What is the basis of their allegations? Speaking from experience, I will say that the claims they seem to be relying upon are false. The NAACP has once again been duped by the left.

I organized a tea party rally in Fort Wayne, Indiana. I have also travelled around the State of Indiana speaking at similar events. I have attended events and rallies with other conservative groups in Chicago, Detroit, Washington, DC and elsewhere. I can say that these events were open to anyone that wished to attend. I was even recently awarded a plaque by a tea party group in Madison County, Indiana. Is this racism?

Wake up, NAACP!

You have once again shown that you do not do your homework on the issues, and you are being used to discredit a movement that only wishes to preserve our founding principles and the Constitution. These are principles of freedom that apply to all Americans.