Melanie Morgan, founder of Move America Forward, the nation’s largest pro-troop organization, led about a dozen conservative activists who protested at the Venice home of Code Pink co-founder Jodie Evans at a Saturday afternoon fundraiser for California Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown.

Morgan reports the pro-American protesters, “blocked the entrance of hundreds of wealthy Democrat liberals, including Sally Kellerman and Cindy Asner, ex-wife of Ed Asner.” Protesters laid down on the sidewalk outside the entrance gate where guests had to step over them.

Event host Jodie Evans was visibly angry at getting a taste of her own medicine and had several confrontations, including one in which she denied, against the evidence, that she supports the terrorist organization Hamas. Several guests were none-too-pleased with being protested, while some had no idea they were attending an event associated with Code Pink.

Jerry Brown sneaked into the house from the back door while Melanie Morgan threw her body onto the sidewalk shouting, “Code Pink supports terrorists!” When not laying on the sidewalk, Morgan stood outside the back gate, “yelling through a screen at [Evans] while she sipped her white wine as Brown’s security guard watched from inside his SUV with the engine running for two hours.” Though the Dodge Durango burned needless fossil fuels, presumably waiting for Brown’s departure, he left in yet another vehicle.

Protester Danny Gonzalez lies on the sidewalk outside the gated entrance.

Police were called and arrived in a squad car about an hour into the event. However, the trio of law enforcement officers found no reason to make any arrests.

Also observing the scene was Andrew Breitbart, who was wearing inline skates, as well as prominent blogger Mickey Kaus of Slate, who heard the disturbance from his house across the street. He came out and observed, but did not join the protest.

Jodie Evans became visibly agitated when confronted by Morgan about Code Pink’s $600,000 donation to the families of terrorists who murdered U.S. troops in Fallujah. Evans snapped “you are on crack!” as Morgan persisted.

Morgan added, “these liberals were shocked that we turned up. They were extremely angry about our obnoxious support of U.S. troops… and completely oblivious to the irony. The most fun was watching Jodie Evans’ skin mottle in anger, matching her dyed red hair!”

Andrew Marcus of Big Government and Founding Bloggers videotaped the protest and remarked on the irony that one of the Code Pink greeters complained about being protested, a tactic commonly associated with Code Pink.