I don’t know why presidents agree to interviews with Rolling Stone. The mag is biased against presidents and you never come off well. Remember how it treated Bush?

Bush Apologizes: The Farewell Interview We Wish He’d Give -W. comes clean – on his dad, Condi’s farts and the time Dick waterboarded the house boy

That is some high class comedy. No wonder Rolling Stone does so well in the “teenage boys who can burp the A-B-Cs demo.”

Then there was the cover photo showing Bush as a dunce. Ha! I get it! Bush is dumb. Hilarious. Never heard that one.

With that history, Obama had to be ready for a grilling. Here are some of the bare knuckles, no holds barred questions The One had to face:

When you came into office, you felt you would be able to work with the other side. When did you realize that the Republicans had abandoned any real effort to work with you and create bipartisan policy?

How do you feel about the fact that day after day, there’s this really destructive attack on whatever you propose? Does that bother you? Has it shocked you?

What do you think of Fox News? Do you think it’s a good institution for America and for democracy?

What music have you been listening to lately? What have you discovered, what speaks to you these days?

You had Bob Dylan here. How did that go?

Did you cry? (After Obama told a story of Paul McCartney singing Michelle to Michelle Obama.)

When you wake up in the morning, how does it feel to be soooooo AWESOME! (Okay, I made that one up.)

Unless you have something better to do, like stick needles in your eyes, go ahead and read the whole interview. What I found interesting was how much Obama still doesn’t understand what’s going on with the electorate. He’s sticking with the idea that none of the voter anger is his fault. He keeps repeating the same old things hoping people will finally agree with him:

This might work with diehard Democrats, but the Independents Obama needs in the midterms (and for him to have a second term) aren’t buying it anymore. They know the Democrats have had super majorities in both houses and the Republicans couldn’t do much to stop Obama without the help of some Democrats. A majority of the Independents don’t like the way Obama is trying to transform the country and they applaud the Republicans for trying to stop it. They are against bigger government, more spending and higher taxes and hope the Republicans have learned their lesson and will govern that way if they get back in power.

Not only does he not understand that most of us actually like America and don’t want it transformed into France, (although that would make it easier for him to surrender in Iraq and Afghanistan) he’s doubling down on still more government, less freedom, and higher taxes that will make economic recovery even more difficult. From the Rolling Stone article:

Q: Do you see a point at which you’re going to throw the whole weight of the presidency behind this, (“climate change” and energy policy – cap and trade) like you did on health care or financial reform?

Yes. Not only can I foresee it, but I am committed to making sure that we get an energy policy that makes sense for the country and that helps us grow at the same time as it deals with climate change in a serious way. I am just as committed to getting immigration reform done.

I’ve been here two years, guys. And one of the things that I just try to remember is that if we have accomplished 70 percent of what we committed to in the campaign, historic legislation, and we’ve got 30 percent of it undone — well, that’s what the next two years is for, or maybe the next six.

So while the majority of Americans are against the “transformative” Obamacare, the bailouts, the GM takeover, and the runaway spending, The One is planning to ram Cap and Tax and Amnesty down our throats for his encore.

Gee, I can’t figure out why his approval ratings keep going down.