The irony would be humorous if it weren’t so sad: The United Federation of Teachers, the New York City branch of the American Federation of Teachers, which pushed ardently for ObamaCare has now requested – and received – a waiver from its mandates.

The UFT is a member of New York State United Teachers (NYSUT). In September 2009, the NYSUT’s website published “Health care reform: facts vs. myths.” Here’s an excerpt:

ObamaCare was such a great idea at the time – the AFT gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to Healthcare for America Now, the leading organization pushing for the government takeover of health care.

It was announced Thursday that the UFT has requested and received an Obamacare-waiver after it discovered their members would end up losing their health insurance plans. Uh oh.

According to USA Today, “The waivers are effective for a year and were granted to insurance plans and companies (i.e. the union and its affiliated “UFT Welfare Fund”) that showed that employee premiums would rise or that workers would lose coverage without them.”

If the union thought ObamaCare would benefit the country, then why seek a waiver? And can we now count the union as a partner in the effort to repeal it?

A quick look at the UFT Welfare Fund’s 990 Form shows why the union doesn’t want its little money-maker to lose business. In 2008, the UFT Welfare Fund paid over $6 million to the union for facilities, equipment, and other expenses.

According to recent LM-2 financial reports filed with the Department of Labor, the UFT received over $2.8 Million in 2009 and $2.3 million in 2008 from UFT Welfare Fund.

This is just another example of fat cats in Washington, DC telling us how to live our lives, then seeking exemptions from the rules they impose on us.

When will it end?