You can tell the Democrats are desperate this election cycle.

While facing a probable political tsunami in the U.S. House of Representatives and a possible tidal wave in the U.S. Senate, Democrat incumbents in both houses of Congress find themselves hampered by their own voting records.

Democrat incumbents are unwilling to boast about their accomplishments to voters who are angry with the hodgepodge Obamacare, runaway government spending, deceptive tax proposals, unemployment hovering around ten percent, record home foreclosures, and a socialist agenda that shocks even big government European nations.

So what’s a liberal-left candidate to do since bashing George W. Bush doesn’t appear to bear fruit anymore? Denigrate and defame their Republican opponents with tired old cliches and images of Swastikas, German soldiers and goose-stepping jackboots, that’s what they do. It’s almost expected that Democrats will invoke the tired old — and grossly fraudulent — image of “Nazi = conservative Republican.”

So imagine the surprise when a liberal Democrat running for reelection in North Carolina uses a photo of World War II German soldiers in a campaign advertisement designed to highlight his support for members of the American military.

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State Rep. Tim Spear (D-2nd Dist., North Carolina) is probably fuming with his campaign team for promoting his support for military service members using an image of World War II German soldiers.

The superimposed photo caption reads, “In combat, you always want another soldier covering your back.”

On the reverse side, the flier boasts that Spear supports measures aimed at assisting service men and women such as providing extended unemployment benefits for severely disabled veterans. It’s no surprise that once this campaign flier was released a firestorm of activity ensued.

In a statement issued by The Democratic Party of North Carolina, MSHC Partners, the firm allegedly responsible for the ad, said it took full responsibility for the mistake.

“We apologize to the brave men and women who nobly serve our country,” the statement said. “We would never mean to disrespect their service. This mistake was completely unintentional.”

Really? The stock image is found here and states “Re-enactors dressed as German soldiers advance towards the enemy. Taken at the War and Peace show 08.”

It’s hard to imagine that Spear and his campaign handlers didn’t request that all campaign material had to receive their approval. It’s hard to understand why a mailer hasn’t been sent out by the Democratic Party of North Carolina apologizing to the voters and Republican challenger Steinburg.

Spear is running for re-election against Republican Bob Steinburg in the 2nd District, which includes Dare County.