Next week, thanks in no small part to your hard work and efforts, a great number of newly elected individuals will head to Washington and to statehouses across the country. At that point, the question they will ask themselves and their staffers is: what do we do now?

At the Heartland Institute, we’re committed to presenting ideas founded on a proper understanding of the role of constitutional government and the importance of liberty as the key to restoring American prosperity. So we’ve prepared a new book called The Patriot’s Toolbox.

It’s a 270-page book which gathers our Legislative Principles providing guidance on good public policy, including 80 principles for restoring our freedom and prosperity. Each chapter boils down to ten principles the most important facts and ideas, giving you the ability to become a more effective spokesperson for pro-consumer, pro-liberty reforms. We’ve already distributed free copies to 34,000 elected officials and candidates for public office, but requests for additional copies are pouring in — and we want to meet demand.

With that in mind, we’re happy to offer free copies to BigGovernment readers, activists, candidates, bloggers and allies.

To get your copy, head to and just request it. And if you want to request more copies to distribute to interested friends or groups, you can contact us through the site as well.

I hope you enjoy it, and find this a useful resource.