If current conditions hold through Tuesday, it is highly likely that Republicans will regain control of the House of Representatives, and quite possibly the Senate as well. The Democrats will leave behind a fiscal mess of gargantuan proportions. Under current spending levels as projected by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, by 2050 our individual share of the national debt will be $279,000 per person. Now, stop to think about that for a moment: when children and students today get to be their parents age they will owe $279,000 to the IRS for the national debt. And as if the national debt wasn’t bad enough, unemployment for young adults stubbornly hovers above 15%.


Most Americans know that action must be taken now to address the national debt. The favorite technique of the left–portraying any move toward lower spending as heartless–won’t stand in the face of the undeniable reality of this debt crisis. Perhaps that’s why the deficit-denying Democrats find themselves in such trouble less than a week before Election Day. The American people are ready for bold action to get our government under control and our economy back on track, and the Democrats aren’t.

We’ve seen such bold action in New Jersey under Governor Christie, and even in England and Germany under Conservative governments. New Jersey, once a fiscal basket case, now has a balanced budget and taxes were not raised. Germany’s unemployment has reached an 18 year low, and the UK’s economy grew at twice the rate forecasters had predicted last quarter. In these places, we’ve caught a glimpse of the conservative future–and it works.

This week we need to elect leaders who believe that America’s best days are in front of us. Even more importantly, we need to believe it ourselves.