In early voting Marco Rubio has been declared the winner in the U.S. Senate race and Rick Scott (R) leads in the Governor’s contest. Races you may not have heard of but represent possible huge wins for conservatives:

Steve Southerland looks like he is going to beat incumbent Congressman Allen Boyd (D). Why is this a big deal? A Republican has not won this seat since Reconstruction: 1866. Dems outnumber Repubs by roughly 2 to 1 in this district. Boyd, who has held the seat since 1996, has never received less than 58% of the vote. (He ran unopposed in 2006.) Boyd liked to fashion himself as a moderate Democrat. Voters in the north Florida district are no longer buying it. Southerland is no RINO. Opposed to Obamacare, big government, cap and trade, etc.

Col. Allen West leads incumbent Cong. Ron Klein (D) in Palm Beach. West is a war hero and a strong fiscal conservative.

Pam Bondi looks like she is going to win Attorney General for the State of Florida. Her Democrat opponent, Dan Gelber makes Obama look moderate on some matters. Bondi is a strong conservative jurist. She’s a rising star for Republicans

It also looks like voters are also going to make the right choice on a number of ballot initiatives: they are apparently going to reject ACORN designed efforts to redraw congressional districts, repeal the public financing of campaigns, and give property tax relief to soldiers deployed overseas….

The Sunshine State, which has been purple in recent years, seems to be shifting in a decidedly “Red” direction.

And of course, Alan Grayson has already gone down.