What we’re witnessing in the south Texas (TX-27 – Corpus Christi and Brownsville) Congressional recount that followed the race is a dramatic interpretation of the old Rocky and Bullwinkle magic act.

With 28-year just defeated Democrat incumbent Solomon Ortiz portraying Bullwinkle the Moose, and Republican Congressman-elect Blake Farenthold reprising Rocky the Squirrel.

Farenthold: “And now…”

Ortiz: “Hey Rocky, watch me pull a ballot out of my hat.”

Farenthold: “Again?”

On November 2, Farenthold beat Ortiz by 799 votes. A tight race to be sure, but one that could be described as outside the margin of ACORN. I mean error.

The fairly Leftist Corpus Christi Caller Times even said in a November 6 editorial “Honor the vote, which went for Farenthold.”

But Ortiz did not – and has not -acquiesced. He demanded a recount. And that’s when the “Out of Thin Air” show began. Ortiz, Inc. keeps finding new bags containing new ballots – many with his name on them.

Ortiz, Inc. first found in Robstown – the epicenter of Ortiz, Inc. support – a bag with seven whole ballots in it. All of them (shocking) cast for Ortiz.


That lowered Farenthold’s spread to 792.

Ortiz, Inc. then moved on to the provisional ballot and overseas vote portion of the program. Which is a much tougher nut to crack.

Provisional ballots are usually cast if someone shows up to vote and is not on the books. It could be a clerical error and he/she should be; it could be voter error – either he/she is at the wrong precinct or didn’t register to vote. Regardless, in most cases the vast majority of these ballots are not properly cast and are therefore not counted. An average of only about 10% make the final tally – the rest are people voting who should not have been voting.

Very Democrat Cameron County’s Election Administrator Roger Ortiz (we’re not sure if there’s any relation to the flailing soon-to-be ex-Congressman) said Monday that the number of provisional votes cast in his neck of the woods had magically increased from the 89 initially reported to 110.


In Nueces County – which Farenthold carried – there are 144 provisional ballots cast and 12 military/overseas ballots to be reviewed and counted, Nueces County Clerk Diana T. Barrera said.

But here’s the rub – there are in total in the entire district 735 remaining provisional and overseas votes cast by mail awaiting review and counting. Ortiz, Inc. trails by 792 votes.

Which means if every single provisional vote is legitimate, and every single one of them AND the mail-in ballots are ALL cast for Ortiz – which would be David Copperfield-esque – HE STILL LOSES THE RACE.

Because no amount of magic makes 735 greater than 792.

So it would appear Ortiz, Inc. is either trying to drag this out long enough to conjure up enough additional votes to steal the election – or he is an entitlement lifer politician who is dragging out the very end of his very long 28-year Congressional run, unable to fathom that the people of south Texas chose… SOMEONE ELSE. He is, after all, the only Congressman the district has ever had – it’s difficult for these sorts of people to let go.

November 2nd, we began showing these types of people the door. Some, like Ortiz, will not go quietly into that great night.

Much like the numbers on ObamaCare and the alleged “stimulus,” Ortiz’s recount challenge doesn’t add up. It’s time for him to hang it up – and make his public sector-self disappear.