The race is over. Republican Renee Ellmers has defeated incumbent and Democrat Bob Etheridge in the hotly contested NC-2 congressional race.

Back in June, Big Government’s Mike Flynn broke this explosive video on Rep. Etheridge where he assaulted a college student for asking him if he “supported the Obama agenda.” Flynn closed his article with this:

Let’s recap what we saw on this video. A sitting Congressman-a presumed living extension of James Madison and other founding fathers-was asked on a public street whether he supported the President’s agenda. His response was to hit away a video camera and assault a student. The age of Pericles this ain’t.

It is going to be a long, hot summer. But, you’ve been shown a politician who can be beaten this November. Act accordingly.

And “act accordingly” NC voters did–even though some in the liberal media did try to spin that Etheridge was ambushed by GOP operatives–offering that narrative without any proof whatsoever.

Proof we do have, however, is that of Etheridge’s character.

His verbal and physical abuse is almost reflexive and seriously unprofessional and unbecoming for a member of Congress–behavior that cost him his congressional seat. (And also his vote for Obamacare probably had something to do with it, too, but I digress.) Etheridge, and only Etheridge, is to blame for his loss for spinning out of control to the point where some speculate he was drunk during the day as he came from a Pelosi fund-raising event.

But, it is again, typical for Democrats and the left to blame others for their horrid behavior and incompetence. Fortunately voters of NC-2 didn’t buy the spin and saw the real Bob Etheridge and sent him packing.

Meanwhile, Ellmers has attended the freshman orientation in DC and is networking with Republicans.

One final thought, voters are indeed reaffirming their trust to the New Media/blogosphere for news and accurate information, especially Breitbart’s “Big” sites, which featured the three Democrat incumbents– Etheridge, Phil Hare, and Ciro Rodriguez–all of whom lost their respective races–and were featured on Big Government and across the web.

Kind of makes you go hmmmm…about this story and the Democrats zeal for web censorship.