Predictably, the media is describing the goings on in the Arab world as consisting of revolutionaries fighting their oppressive leaders for democracy and human rights. Never mind that democracy does not ensure liberty. Never mind that the governments that will likely ultimately take over will consist of terrorists and terrorist sympathizers. Never mind that in our words and actions we are implicitly if not explicitly supporting the Muslim Brotherhood, undermining anyone who might be helpful in the region, just as we did by sitting on our hands while actual moderate and secular people sought our help in Iran.

Egyptian rebellion in the liberal narrative, along with rebellion among any group hostile in nature to the US and Israel by default has to be good, as is any shakeup of the existing structure. Crises are useful things.

And the useful idiots in our society, brainwashed by handlers in the media and academia can no longer recognize the difference between good and evil. Whether it is “Palestinians” launching rockets at Israelis, or the obligatory disclaimer that there are plenty of patriotic Muslims in a State of the Union speech, leftists will always support anything that challenges the status quo, and pay lip service to Islam; anything that represents a threat to traditional Western civilization is a positive in the battle to create their Utopic socialist world.

Hope and change is inherently good, no matter what the hope is and what the change entails. And why put up this facade instead of calling things what they really are? Because pleasant and airy words hide the horrors of a socialist world or an Islam-dominated one (which are quite similar incidentally); these words distract us from despicable actions, and sound palatable to an apathetic public.

The leftists and the Islamic world understand public relations specifically and how to exert mass influence generally. They know how to manipulate through media and propagandize in public institutions from the time our children are young, while committing enough people to their causes out of their own self-interest that given our quiescence heretofore, they appear to be well ahead in the fight to win the future.

As I have argued again and again, leftists and religious Muslims will work together to do whatever it takes to impose their views on the world until it submits, with the only question in the long run how they will rule – under czar or caliphate.

In the meantime, they will continue to wreak havoc on our most cherished institutions, undermining our culture and society. The only way we can counter this onslaught is to to study the tenets and strategies of socialists and Islam, anticipate their moves and devise strategies to counter them. Too, we must make clear the stakes of not entering the battle for civilization, by exposing as many people as we can for example to those increasingly rebellious Muslims in Europe, who the media claims are merely reacting to poor economic and social conditions, despite their comfy welfare states and militantly tolerant populaces.

Not only must we be on the defensive however, but we must go on offense and stop giving political correctness our sanction; stop living by the point of the gun of leftism. We have to make the moral, intellectual and historical case for American values, steeped in an understanding of human nature and aligned with truth and justice.

In the spirit of recognizing truth, let us not be fooled. Indeed hope and change is just as hollow a platitude in Egypt, as in Europe as in Barack Obama’s America.