I had high hopes after the fall elections that things would change. I expected once the Republicans took power that they would make a concerted effort to reverse the downslide of our health care system into the hole that is created by Obamacare. Apparently, it is just business as usual on Capitol Hill… big surprise.

The House rules committee voted against the amendment by Rep. Steve King that would defund Obamacare thus clearing the way for the mandatory self-funding provisions initially written into the bill by Pelosi et al to take effect.

Either the Republicans are playing politics by allowing this fiasco to drag on into the election season so that they can use it as ammunition against Obama and the Democrats, or they actually like the bill and only pretended to oppose it to increase their chance of getting elected. Whichever scenario is true the outcome is still the same. The further down the road to implementation Obamacare gets, the harder it will be to reverse.

While the Republicans dither there are a few truths that are becoming quite clear.

– The costs associated with implementing the various provisions of the bill will continue to rise

– The cost of premiums to individuals, families and businesses will continue to rise

– The ability of patients to be able to choose their physicians will continue to decrease

– The one-size-fits-all policies of Dr. Berwick and CMS will move forward and the devastating effects on the delivery of quality individualized health care will become unavoidable.