“I think this is a group of people who don’t want to see black people receive a dime” — John W. Boyd, Jr., leader of the National Black Farmers Association.

I’ve been a blogger at The Huffington Post for several years now and if you head over there sometime, you may notice that Rep. Michelle Bachman is featured quite often on the site — usually in a way that makes her appear either crazy or stupid or both. To be fair, the Bigs don’t go out of their way to make Nancy Pelosi look awesome, either. That’s the way the blogs bounce.


Still, I was somewhat surprised when I met the congresswoman at CPAC at how immediately I realized she wasn’t at all the person she’s portrayed — she’s smart, articulate, and her speech at CPAC about Pigford was pitch perfect in it’s focus on the real farmers as victims of Pigford fraud.

In this short interview, Rep. Bachmann and I discuss Pigford as well as an aspect of her life that — literally — not a single liberal friend of mine knew anything about: her commitment as a parent to her own five children plus over twenty foster kids. It seems to me that Rep. Bachmann’s opponents don’t want the image of her as that kind of person to be known because it would tend to make her seem human and likable.

As I say to the Congresswoman in the interview, she and I don’t agree on many issues, but there’s no reason for our fractured politics to mask our similarities. On the issue of the Pigford settlement, I’m proud to stand with Michele Bachmann.