When Americans voted in Barack Obama in 2008, they thought they were getting a “post-racial,” “post-partisan” President. For Barack Obama himself had declared that having merely won the Democratic nomination, “the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.” What Americans didn’t realize however was that Barack Obama was only to be President for certain subsets of the population; this new era of good feeling was only to be for those of a select few classes, races and ethnicities. This was to be a world in which all of the old injustices would be righted not by tolerance for all, but with intolerance for the presumed intolerant, with the vengeful Barack Obama correcting past wrongs with his redistributive justice.

And so in America today if you are black, a union member, Muslim, Hispanic, gay and/or profligate you can expect preferential treatment from this administration. For most everyone else, tough luck. I know of no other way to interpret the pattern of the words and actions of this President and his cronies. We need not judge Obama on the Bill Ayers, Edward Said/Rashid Khalidi and Jeremiah Wright influences. The true instincts of this administration show quite clearly in its deafening silence on so many true injustices, only to be outdone by its knee-jerk reactions to issues either not germane to it, or on which it consistently sides against the majority of Americans.

Witness the fact that the President cannot help but interject when it comes to the actions of a white cop in Cambridge, a mosque being built by Islamic supremacists near Ground Zero, a Governor trying to return his state to fiscal sanity by taking on an obfuscatory union or the evil fat cats trying to make their undeserved profits, nor can Eric Holder admit that perhaps even the word “jihad” exists, let alone that the nightstick-wielding Black Panthers in Philadelphia were anything more than “inappropriate,” though they threatened the citizenry in the very way that his “people” were threatened decades ago. The notion of the keeper of justice defending above all his “people” poses a challenge to Justice Sotomayor’s wise Latina women quip in the volumes it speaks with regard to the “soft” bigotry of this administration.

This administration does not represent the people, but only the narrow majority which elected it, save for a handful of Independents they have thrown under the bus along the way. But as Lenin said, “if you want to make an omelet, you have to be willing to break a few eggs.”

Equal justice for all and special privileges for none is a credo as foreign as a Tea Partier to this White House. Every policy is biased towards one group at the expense of others, created with the intent to rectify some grievance often imperceptible to any free-thinking, right-minded individual. The public is viewed solely in terms of groups to be molded, conditioned and manipulated, as opposed to individuals free to choose their own destiny.

Whoever is to challenge President Obama must be constantly cognizant of and able to articulate that the President’s proper role is to serve as a representative of all of the people, not just the 51% or so of voters necessary to win; he or she must understand that the policies that leave our people happiest, healthiest and most prosperous are those which serve to benefit all, equally (generally policies that restrain government). The challenger must create an undeniable contrast to this President whose whole term has served as an Ivy League seminar in class warfare, race-baiting, suicidal multiculturalism and moral relativism, victimhood and submission.

How ironic it is that the man supposed to embody a world devoid of discrimination, a man supposed to be beyond our petty differences fashions policies and asserts himself in ways that universally prove discriminatory. Forget the other 49%, this is the 51% President. Let’s make sure that that number is reduced come 2012.