Please excuse my manners – I will postpone formally introducing myself to a later occasion, but time is precious. As of now, you likely know me as “Ibrahim Kasaam” from the recent undercover videos released by James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas.

Much as with the ACORN story, you have already seen the mainstream media erecting a series of straw men to distract from the true heart of the stories produced by our Project Muslim Brotherhood. Hint: No, Howard Kurtz, Vivian Schiller was not fired because somebody else said some mean things about the tea party, as your summary suggests. That is securely at the bottom of NPR’s concerns right now, and I suspect that is why you are focusing on it, like much of the media.

James O’Keefe will be appearing on Hannity’s radio show today with new recordings that will drive this message home.

Don’t get me wrong – there were a tremendous number of angles we pursued in Project Muslim Brotherhood. The richness of the content in the first video alone is extraordinary, and I look forward to pealing back the layers in my elaboration to come.

However, some astute observers have been able to see through the more salacious – and certainly quite newsworthy – aspects of our first release: namely Ann Coulter and Andrew Breitbart.

Keep in mind the title of this endeavor, as explained in my solicitation letter on, is “Project Muslim Brotherhood” (also please donate…we’re poor as heck). I haven’t been too subtle, but see if you can pick it up:

Watch the latest video at


Watch the latest video at



