Clearly there is no shame in the culture of conceit in which NPR’s “Morning Edition” co-host Steve Inskeep lives, and like NPR, he is lying to the American people.

The supposed point of his March 24 op-ed in the Wall Street Journal was to refute the irrefutable – that NPR is an egregiously and unabashedly hard left, Soros-backed operation subsidized by taxpayers.

But Inskeep, like other NPR representatives, fraudulently claims “emails show that NPR refused the money” from the Muslim Brotherhood front group. At no point did NPR ever do so, and on the contrary the emails released by NPR did quite the opposite. They confirmed that NPR’s top executives had no objections whatsoever to taking money from a front group controlled and primarily financed by a jihadist organization explicitly committed to the subversion and destruction of this country. They were moving along with the perfectly standard procedures for accepting an institutional donation of that size.

Even long after we had established our Muslim Brotherhood front group status and explained that our purpose was to counter and replace the “Jewish” control over the American media, NPR’s top brass only became more and more eager, even putting “a dollop of urgency” on advancing the process, in Betsy Liley’s words.

These were not merely midlevel employees either. Ron Schiller was the President of the NPR Foundation, and Betsy Liley served directly below him as the Senior Director of Institutional Giving. Vivian Schiller was NPR’s CEO. Joyce Slocum was the General Counsel and is now currently the Interim CEO. All of them played a roll in advancing the donation process.

In our nearly two-month long relationship with NPR, there was not one objection to any of this. NPR and Inskeep are lying and pitifully hiding behind false accusations that somehow all of this is the result of doctored videos. We have released the full, unedited videos, and not even NPR’s circle of protectors in the mainstream press can obfuscate the truth.

We need no lectures from NPR and Steve Inskeep about values. I think America has seen quite enough of theirs, and NPR has some considerable explaining to do to those who fund this network.

It is high time NPR Ombudsman Alicia Shepard started answering some questions. Does NPR think it is okay to accept money from the Muslim Brotherhood? What is NPR’s policy on that, given that every executive necessary to sign off on such a donation proved to hold no reservations whatsoever about the jihadist front group with whom they were making a financial alliance?