Yesterday, we at the Media Research Center went to the “We Are One” union rally in Washington, D.C. held outside of the Treasury building to ask the people why they were there protesting.

All of the groups taking part of the rally included: the AFL-CIO, American Federation of Teachers, CommonCause, Communication Workers of America, Greenpeace, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, MoveOn, NAACP, National Education Association, SEIU, United Food and Commercial Workers, and USAction.

Given it was blatantly obvious beforehand they were rallying against the Koch brothers despite marketing it as standing up for MLK’s dream, I figured I’d ask them what that exactly was all about. Many people literally could not answer, some refused to answer, and some essentially repeated talking points liberal websites churn out- which shall remain nameless. Including Medea Benjamin of Code Pink.

To read more about the rally, head on over to Eyeblast.

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