At least two years after most sentient Americans have known what the ruling class has been perpetrating upon us, S&P has declared that the spending gig is over. But has the machine taken over? Has the destructive pact between the redistribution demagogues, the elites of academia, Hollywood, and the media who spread the propaganda, the crony capitalists who collude with the state, and the takers of society who re-elect their benefactors–overwhelmed us?

Like Hal in this haunting scene from 2001: A Space Odyssey, perhaps the machine cannot be turned off.

Stanley Kubrick’ 2001 espouses a fear of technology, a common theme in Hollywood. Yet America’s greatest threat turns out not to be technology, but man’s nature. Control disguised as altruism. Envy & greed disguised as fairness. We knew that self government–a constitutional Republic–was an experiment; even a long shot.

Can America’s only hope, the media-vilified Tea Party, beat the machine?

Real working families–not the union thugs cheered for by Obama and ordered by Trumka to wreak havoc–but working men and women who pull their own weight under the crushing burden of the machine, have woken up and ordered Hal to stop. Ordered the machine to stop spending.

“I’m sorry Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that…this mission is too important for me to allow you to jeopardize it”.

Will we be able to pull plug on spending?

This article also appears on the John Galt List blog today.