So, Prince Charles is coming to Washington, D.C. to lecture us about ‘sustainability.’

Sacrifice, you might have heard it used in other words or terms. Invest, tighten your belt, Put the car in D for Dead on the side of the road because the price of gas will necessarily skyrocket. You see, we are told to sacrifice our patriotism for a much more global society. We are told to sacrifice more of our money in an effort to bring about stability and fairness. We are told to sacrifice our children and youth because there are those that know how to raise them better than we do, as we are told to sacrifice our rights because we are too feeble minded to wield it properly.

Then as our patriotism is besmirched, we are left with elitists who degrade us while lauding and cowering to failed and failing nations. As our money is severed from our pocket books, all we see is a government full of crony capitalists, only willing to spend to their hearts delight. We watch as billions and trillions of dollars wrung from the toil of our everyday rigors, evaporate, just like that. An enlarging government such as ours thinks that its only solution is to spend more money, even when we don’t have it. So, it’s no surprise when they just throw some more taxpayer dollars at a failing public educational system. A public school system that seems more concerned about enhancing ideologies, such as globalism, than it is about teaching our youth what they need to survive in the real world.

Our children are indebted from birth, then more of our money is funneled to actually keep them just around or below mediocre. Then they are tethered to ideologies of men who have been proven suspect regarding the facts. Ideologies that often detach them from responsibilities that would otherwise fortify their character. Upon the many challenges that they face as kids these days, to have them bear the torch of the global agenda is simply cruel.

It must be really devastating for them when they realize the fantasy, does not quite jive with real world applications. It’s no wonder kids are wound up so tightly these days. In the aftermath of created crisis, once false ideology is all that they have left, it’s at least something, right? Quite often the very same parenting government and its outstretched nanny arms, will gladly throw our kids right under the bus. So they defend it to the bitter end, even to the detriment of their fellow citizens. Then the cycle just keeps repeating itself, passed from generation to generation.

Yet the elitists sit there comfortably sacrificing in their mansions, yachts and jumbo private planes still perpetuating their falsehoods. They demand that we suspend our common sense, logic, and doubts because as long as we believe their falsehoods, they will be there to take care of us. They create crisis and conflict in the minds of our youth, often pitting them against what they may have learned at home. We as a society, have left the most helpless and trusting of us, K through college on the back burner long enough. Charlatans and connivers who continue claim these falsehoods as truth, should then be called out for their hypocrisy. The Prince may try to claim ‘ambassadorship’ exempts him, but no. Suspending disbelief, of hypocrisy on that level might require some inception. So we find that it’s those who often demand sacrifice of us, that are ill prepared to do so themselves.

Quite frankly, The Prince has a right to express his opinion, but to demand we believe he craps lilacs and mango vapors can shuffle right on along. He can sashay his break dancing self through the States like something that would do such a thing, but it does not mean we have to accept it as fact or succumb to his monarchic wooing. Even more so when it means our taxes and the educational present and future of our children and youth is squandered while trying to adhere to policied suggestions. Yet so often parents are left powerless because, now government got all the juice. We see our God given and constitutional rights being eroded everyday with policies and laws often written to evade those very protections. They wonder why a people rooted and nurtured in freedom would begin or continue to resist such demands. Demands that insist we should be sacrificing and mortgaging our nation, children, and lives, to a government that couldn’t care less.

Well, November 2010 came, and Americans all over showed politicians they could easily be made to sacrifice too, if they chose not to heed the voice of the people of this great democratic republic. There’s no other place like America on this earth. Our hunger for freedom will ALWAYS cause a nation born in it to put up a fight, always. God, Country and Family are what I choose to sacrifice for, and I am sure countless other Americans feel the same way. But it should not be a sacrifice thrust upon us by those unwilling to walk in our shoes. So if you have forgotten why you are tired of being told by the ‘elite few'(Shout out to Ron) what sacrifices you have to make, watch Charles , his actions speak louder than words.