On May 16th, 2011 we attended a MoveOn.org protest staged in Chicago outside a Paul Ryan luncheon. The protesters were unfriendly and hostile to our questions, as well as confused about their message. We also questioned MoveOn members and organizers about their opinion regarding racially offensive comments made by former progressive radio talk show host and radically liberal blogger Greg Morelli.

Morelli is known for consistently spewing violent and hateful rhetoric on his blog, Family Values with an Oy Vey. We were particularly interested to find out if MoveOn.org has any issue with his racially charged comments about President Obama, since they invited him to speak at their “Defending the Dream” rally in March. In a blog post titled “Harry Reid is My Nigga!” Morelli refers to President Obama as the “Negro-in-Chief.” He also claims former RNC Chairman Michael Steele and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas are only black on the outside. MoveOn was silent in response to the questions.

Morelli: “Health Care will soon pass in America thanks in large part to the Top Cracker in the senate, the Top Bitch in the house and a signature from the Negro-In-Chief.”

“Michael Steel is black in the same way Clarence Thomas is black: on the outside only.”


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