Donald Trump may not be finished in the 2012 Presidential race after all.

Trump has been telling freinds that he would not rule out launching an Independent big for President as late as June of next year if the economy is still sour and no Republican has demonstrated the ability to defeat Obama.

Trump recently teased a possible late blooming candidacy when he sent a hand-written note to MSNBC’s Lawerence O’Donnell, a vitriolic Trump critic that said -“Thanks for all your help–see you in the Spring.”

“Trump’s $60 million contract with NBC would expire in time for him free to lauch a bid June 1 of next year. Clearly Trump has the $5 million to $7 million it would take to collect enough signatures to get on the ballot in all 50 states” one Trump supporter told BIG GOVERNMENT ” Those who think Trump would draw only from Republicans are wrong-blue collar Catholic Democrats would also defect to Trump if gas is $6.00 a gallon and unemployment is still high.”

Trump met yesterday with former Governor Palin for a private 45 minute session in which she told Trump she hadn’t decided yet whether to run for the Republican nomination and Trump told her that many of his supporters are urging him to launch an independent bid next year and thsat he hasn’t ruled it out.

A full blown candidacy by Sarah Palin would make a Trump bid improbable if she wins the GOP nod. If Palin were to run for the nomination and lose to a Romney or Pawlenty, a Trump candidacy would be likely. Trump is known to have a high regard for Palin and said so yesterday. Palin’s Tea Party supporters could become available to Trump in the fall of 2012 if Republican nominate a more establishment-oriented candidate.

The same polls that showed 60% unwilling to vote for Trump under any circumstances also showed 38 % willing to vote for the New York billionaire- showing that winning 51% in a two-way race with Obama to be difficult but demonstrating that a Trump candidacy could garner 35% + in a three way race and potentially win. Legendary Jimmy Carter Pollster Pat Caddell recently met with Trump and told Trump he would stand a better chance as an Independent in a three-way race than as the Republican nominee in a two way race.