Judicial Watch’s mission is, in part, to advocate high standards of ethics and morality in our nation’s public life. The Anthony Weiner scandal is but the latest example of how these standards of ethics and morality are so lacking.

Our friend Andrew Breitbart’s Big Government broke the story of the New York Democrat congressman’s sending of unsolicited lewd photographs of himself to women on the Internet, and now it appears he was sending those pictures to underage girls. Weiner, who is married, spent a week lying (rather obviously) about his activities to the public, to his colleagues in Congress, and to virtually every major news outlet. This past Monday, he finally admitted his lies but said he would not resign from Congress. The Democrat leadership is horrified and trying to push him to resign. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi even requested an “ethics” investigation by the House Ethics Committee! Republicans, who have had more than their fair share of scandals, are happy to sit back and watch.

Most of you, Dear Readers, are not from Washington, so I won’t insult you by spending time explaining to you why Weiner should resign. Unfortunately, there is a certain amoral, cynical crowd that thinks no sexual misconduct (or related criminality) warrants resignation from public office. It used to be called the Clinton administration. It is no coincidence that Weiner is close to Clinton and that Weiner seems to consider Clinton his confessor. The Clinton example shows the way for Weiner. It also highlights the rank hypocrisy of liberals in Congress who are screaming for Weiner’s resignation when those same people applauded Bill Clinton on the day of his impeachment.

A president has an affair with a White House intern; “allegedly” sexually assaults a woman outside the Oval Office; is credibly accused of rape; hires investigators to intimidate witnesses; and lies to the American people, his cabinet, a federal court and grand jury, etc…that president didn’t resign. The Senate couldn’t even be bothered to remove him from office. Weiner must think, “If Clinton didn’t go, why should I?” Bill Clinton is an elder statesman in this corrupt city. His wife, who helped orchestrate the effort to destroy the women who were witnesses against him, is our pretender Secretary of State. The Clinton way is now the prevailing ethic for Washington, especially for liberal politicians. Weiner’s decision to try to ride out the scandal and remain in office is therefore no surprise. The term of office for too many elected officials is one long power trip. Ethics, morality, and respect for the rule of law barely register for politicians like Weiner.

This arrogance infects politicians of both political parties and every ideology. It is a sad sign of our times that the exceptions prove the rule when politicians like former New York Governor Elliot Spitzer resign in the face of scandal.

In the interest of full disclosure, you should know that Congressman Weiner’s office reached out to us a few weeks ago about legislation he had been pushing to combat government corruption. We had been working with his staff up until last week. Obviously, we have placed our work with his office on hold while we push for his resignation!

(And while Washington is focused on the sexual predations of a member of Congress, we should remind them of our recent lawsuit against Florida Democrat Congressman Alcee Hastings on behalf of Winsome Packer, a congressional employee. Her lawsuit alleges that Hastings repeatedly subjected her to “unwelcome sexual advances,” “unwelcome touching” and retaliation.)

What next for Weiner?

He may have resigned by the time you receive this.

Or, if the Clinton way works for him, he may be Senator from New York in six years.

In the meantime, let’s all do the obligatory work of eternally vigilant citizens and call our congressmen and let them know our opinion on Weiner. The Capitol switchboard is 202-224-3121. I assure you no call or letter to Congress is a wasted effort.