According to National Journal, the House GOP was set Thursday to take a second shot at stopping the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) from implementing net neutrality.

The House Appropriations Financial Services and General Government Subcommittee took up a fiscal 2012 spending bill today that included language barring the FCC from using any of its funding to put into effect the controversial rules.

The appropriations bill also would cut funding for the FCC by $17 million over the fiscal 2011 level and would provide $40 million less than what President Obama asked for in his budget request.

Republicans previously attempted to defund the FCC earlier this year when they attached a defunding measure to a continuing resolution budget bill. However, it ultimately failed when President Obama vowed to veto the bill.

There are similar signals that the Senate Republicans are set to do something very similar, however they are waiting on the FCC, who have been sitting on their hands since December, to publish the final language in the Federal Register.

Sadly, it appears that the measure will be blocked by Senate Democrats or another veto threat from President Obama.