Now that Rep. David Wu has announced that he is resigning at a date as yet undetermined, it’s worth asking: “Where was Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the head of the Democratic National Committee?”

You’d think that a self-appointed crusader for women’s rights would be all over the Wu scandal, especially with news that The Oregonian said the young girl decided not to press charges against Wu because there were no witnesses and it would have been her word against the congressman’s.

For those who haven’t been paying attention, Rep. David Wu, 56-year-old, is facing fire after he had engaged in “aggressive and unwanted sexual behavior” with an eighteen-year-old girl. Wu, for his part, says the act was “consensual,” so consensual he feels the needs a reason to resign.

He said much the same thing when he was accused and then punished for attempted rape at Stanford University where he was a student in the mid-70s. Wu regrets that the whole event happened — something you don’t usually do when you are innocent. He apparently met with a counselor afterward and, surprise, surprise, wasn’t all cured. (Shades of Anthony Weiner’s rehab, here.)

Interestingly, Congressman Wu has quite the odd legislative record for someone who is accused of rape and who, in today’s parlance, represents the supposed party of women as Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the head of the Democratic National Committee, would have you believe.

Here are some questions enterprising reporters ought to ask of Mr. Wu.

He recently co-sponsored a bill, H.R. 1724 “The Compassionate Assistance for Rape Emergencies Act of 2011” which would deny federal funding to hospitals that don’t offer emergency contraceptives to rape victims. Did Wu’s alleged victim use emergency contraceptive after his “aggressive and unwanted sexual behavior”?

Wu co-sponsored H. Resolution 20 which calls on the Senate to ratify the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. How does Wu square his support for convention to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women with his boorish behavior against women?

In 2001, Wu supported the feminist holy grail of the Equal Rights Amendment, which he re-introduced in 2007. It was recently reintroduced in June 2011, and Wu signed on as a co-sponsored. The text of the amendments reads, in part: “Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.” Given that Wu assaulted at least one woman (which he admits to while at Stanford) and given that Democrat leaders like Pelosi and Wasserman Schultz didn’t call on Wu to resign, aren’t they abridging the victim’s equal rights?

Not even Debbie Wasserman Schultz can be found to opine! No, the new head of Democratic National Committee, fresh off making her inflammatory remarks that anyone who is pro-life is “anti-woman,” and engaged in a “war on women,” has decided to be silent.

Could it be because by pro-woman Ms. Wasserman Schultz really means pro-abortion?

Well, Wu certainly is that. Wu is one of the most pro-abortion congressmen in the country. He even supports partial birth abortion.

But for Wasserman Schultz, the real enemy are the Republicans, not an allegedly violent sexual predator in her own party: “I consider the proposal of this bill a violent act against women,” she said over a proposal to restrict taxpayer dollars going to abortion.

I guess she doesn’t consider actual violent acts of violence against women to be worth taking to the House floor over.