Last night was a stunning success for the heroic middle class and for organized labor! Progressives seized control of two Republican state senate seats in Wisconsin–one of the few times in American history that a recall election has been successful, and on so grand a scale!

And that’s just the beginning. We are going to recall that pathetic Koch addict, so-called “governor” Scott Walker, as well! We are on the march to total victory!

True, we lost four of the other six recall elections yesterday. True, we failed to win the third seat necessary to take control of the state senate and begin rolling back Walker’s devastating attack on workers’ rights. True, we spent $30 million, much of it taken from the hard-earned dues of our members. True, we must now rally our exhausted and rather demoralized ground troops to defend two shaky Democrat-held seats next week.

Comrades–these failures point to the far greater victory that we achieved last night! We defended the “middle class” against evil corporations and Tea Party terrorists! We stood up to a tsunami of Citizens United-enabled outside money, and unleashed our own flood of Citizens United-enabled outside money! We rallied a huge crowd of red-shirted thugs at Ed Schultz’s live election coverage on MSNBC, smashing any pretense at objectivity!

Don’t you see what that means? We have sent a clear message to the nation: we are so fanatically devoted to the progressive cause that even losing elections will not deter us! The radical left and the public-sector unions have taken control of the Democratic party, and we are willing to destroy it in order to save it! We, the revolutionary vanguard of the middle class proletariat, have declared war on America–and we will not be defeated!

What is the “middle class,” you ask? It’s not those non-union workers, those privateers who get a free ride on the backs of organized labor. It’s not those ungrateful inner-city families, who still demand charter schools and resist all the good that teachers’ unions have done for them. It’s not the taxpayers, whose short-sighted self-interest has blocked badly-needed tax hikes. We stand for everyone else–the middle class America forgot!

Here are some facts about yesterday’s recall elections that the corporate media won’t tell you.

Fact #1: Only the law prevented us from recalling all of the Republican state senators in Wisconsin. Next time, comrades, we shall not let the law be a deterrent!

Fact #2: We have created new field operations in Republican territory. That will divert badly-needed money and volunteers from Democrat turf, but it is a great propaganda coup!

Fact #3: New volunteers have become used to taking orders from the top, which is far more efficient than trying to motivate them with facts.

Fact #4: We have momentum, even if it is backward momentum–and momentum is everything in politics.

Fact #5: No longer do Americans think of unions as workplace institutions–now they understand that we intend to radicalize and control every other aspect of national life, public and private!

Fact #6: We brought fear back into American politics. The Tea Party wins because they make politicians afraid to abuse their constituents. We shall win because we will make everyone afraid of us!

Comrades, let us remember the immortal words of Chairman Mao: “It’s always darkest before the dawn.” We shall be back–in Wisconsin and across the nation!

Losing is Winning! Failure is Victory! This is What Democracy Looks Like!