From The Hill:

Senior administration officials met with Senate Democrats for an hour and a half on Thursday to answer their complaints about President Obama’s jobs bill.

Democratic lawmakers voiced objections to several of the president’s proposals to pay for the $447 billion stimulus package, including an elimination of tax breaks for the oil-and-gas industry.

David Plouffe, a senior adviser to the president, acknowledged after a marathon meeting in the Senate’s Mansfield Room that not all Democrats are sold on the plan.

Plouffe said officials hope to “convince the American people this is the right way to go to create jobs [and] convince as many Democrats here as we can.”

“I think the vast majority of them are excited about it,” Plouffe said after the meeting.

Sen. Mark Begich (D-Alaska) pointedly told Plouffe and National Economic Council Director Gene Sperling, who also attended the meeting, that the administration is wrong to target the revenues of oil-and-gas companies.

“I want a broader sweep on tax reform. Just picking out one industry is not acceptable,” Begich said after the meeting.

Read the whole thing here. At some point, even Democrats have to acknowledge that granting temporary tax relief in exchange for permanent tax hikes isn’t exactly an economic ‘stimulus.’