I recently wrote on my blog that Libertarians should not support Democrats. Ever.

The post generated a tremendous response and produced an invitation from BIG Government Editor Michael Flynn to expand on my thoughts here. I’m honored to do so.

In an election for city council, congress, president or local dog catcher, I believe a Libertarian’s realistic choices are to vote Republican, Libertarian, Independent, or write-in.

There is nothing Libertarian about the Democratic Party and Obama is a perfect example of my point.

Barack Obama ran against the wars – then expanded them.

Barack Obama ran against federal wiretapping programs – then expanded them.

Barack Obama ran against Bush’s faith based initiatives – then expanded them.

Barack Obama ran against Bush’s debts – then expanded them.

In the Democratic Party of yesteryear, there was a school of political philosophy called Classical Liberalism which offered Libertarians an option to vote for Democrats.

Those days are over.

The Democratic Party is now the party of ACORN, corrupt unions, communists, socialists, anarchists and complicit media allies who have conveniently ignored every violation of American liberty committed by the Obama Administration since the day he was sworn in as president.

Libertarians believe in the maximum amount of freedom for individuals. Libertarians believe in limited government. Libertarians reject ineffective big government policies. Libertarians are fiscal conservatives.

How have Libertarians benefited under Obama?

ObamaCare? Stimulus spending? Massive deficits? An ever expanding scope of government control?

None of these things are Libertarian.

The Democratic Party believes in big government and big spending, a philosophy which is completely antithetical to the core beliefs of any true Libertarian. The liberal policies enacted by the Obama Administration over the last few years have done nothing but insult the concepts of individual liberty and freedom.

Libertarians have one choice in 2012 – Fire Obama by voting Republican. We can deal with the other stuff later, one thing at a time. We may not agree with Republicans on every single issue, but they are far closer cousins to our ideology of freedom than the Obama/Democrat alternative.

In the winter of 2009 I participated in a conference call sponsored by National Review, during which I was allowed to ask a question of the featured guest, Ramesh Ponnuru. I asked him what he thought about the similarities between libertarians and conservatives. He said George W. Bush did some damage to our relationship but that Barack Obama was doing everything he could to bring us back together.

ObamaCare is anathema to Libertarianism and we have only one chance to repeal it.

Vote Republican in 2012.

The roots of the Republican Party are in line with the Libertarian, small government, freedom loving values of the Tea Party which now controls a major portion of congress.

I think that’s a good thing but don’t take my word for it…

“I believe the very heart and soul of conservatism is libertarianism.” – Ronald Reagan