From a loyal BigGovernment reader:

Yesterday I went to see the Blue Angels in San Francisco and to celebrate Fleet Week. I get off the Embarcadero BART station and walk down Market Street to get to the bay. On the way you have to pass the Occupy San Fran group on Market St. This is what I saw while on the walk.

There were a lot of families taking their kids to see the air show who had to walk right by this. There weren’t a whole lot of people at the protest. I’m including a picture of the whole group. I know it’s San Fran and they can have weird rule here, but there were cops standing right across the street. I was probably 10ft away from some SFPD when I took these pictures.

Well, thanks to the reader for sending this along. Remember this when the media tells you the #occupy movement represents mainstream American. Exit question: Has Ron Paul finally jumped the shark?