From Politico:

Less than 24 hours after Andrew Breitbart’s Big Government posted a video of New York Times freelancer (and former POLITICO/occasional On Media blogger) Natasha Lennard speaking on a panel about Occupy Wall Street, the Times defended her reporting, but says it has “no plans” to use her on future stories on the protests.

Lennard became one of the first journalistic stars of the growing protest movement when she was arrested on the Brooklyn Bridge in the course of covering the protests for the Times – an experience she blogged about on the Times’ City Room blog under the title, “Covering the March, on Foot and in Handcuffs.”

Last night, Big Government’s Lee Stranahan posted a video from an Oct. 14th panel discussion on the protests at Bluestockings bookstore, organized by Jacobin magazine.


The New York Times spokeswoman Eileen Murphy responded to questions about Lennard’s status and the Times‘s policies on freelancers with a statement:

This freelancer, Natasha Lennard, has not been involved in our coverage of Occupy Wall Street in recent days, and we have no plans to use her for future coverage. We have reviewed the past stories to which she contributed and have not found any reasons for concern over that reporting.

All our journalists, staff or freelance, are expected to adhere to our ethical rules and journalistic standards, and to avoid doing anything that could call into question the impartiality of their work for The Times.

Lennard defended herself on Twitter this morning, quipping, “ugh. last time i offer a post-structuralist critique in public!”

Read the rest at Politico.