(Reuters) – Solyndra LLC failed to attract any bids on Tuesday from buyers who could have restarted production, brought back some laid off staff and kept the bankrupt solar panel maker operating, according to a company adviser.

Solyndra, which owes more than $500 million to the U.S. government, has said a turnkey buyer is the best hope for getting the most money for the government and other creditors. However, no turnkey bids were submitted by a Tuesday deadline, said company adviser Eric Carlson of Imperial Capital LLC.

Court documents suggest that auctioneers who have already been retained will soon begin a piecemeal sale of the remaining production equipment and real estate.

Solyndra collapsed into bankruptcy in September, unable to compete with plummeting prices for solar panels. The company has been an ongoing political headache for President Barack Obama, who visited the company in 2010 to bolster his standing as a creator of renewable energy jobs.

Republican lawmakers are investigating possible favoritism in approving the government’s $535 million loan to the company, which counted among its investors George Kaiser, an Obama fundraiser.

Read more at Reuters.